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What Can You Do to Fight Against Hair Loss as You Get Older?

It seems that as we get older, old age begins to play tricks on us. You may notice wrinkles, crow’s feet, a lack of energy and slower reflexes. Unfortunately, there is one more blow that old age can bring to women, and that is hair loss. If you are experiencing changes in your hair like thinning and gray hair, know that you are not alone. Gray hair may be something that you can live with, but the dullness and thinning may be too much to tolerate.

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As we age, everything slows down, even the rate at which the scalp grows new hairs. In fact, the natural changes that occur in the body can affect blood flow (circulation) and cellular reproduction. Diet and hormonal changes can also influence hair. These are the reasons why the oils that are naturally produced by the body to lubricate the scalp and hair are lessened. In addition, when women stop estrogen production, the hair can lose shine and thickness.

The best remedy for this issue is to try a laser growth procedure like irestore to stop the thinning of your hair.

Fortunately, it is not all doom and gloom when you are concerned about your thinning hair. There are steps that you can start to take today to slow down father time’s grip on your mane.

Brush Your Hair

Were you told as a child to brush your hair at least 100 times before you went to sleep? That was good advice because as you continuously brushed your hair, oil was released from the scalp and follicles and distributed on the strands. Brushing your hair regularly helps to keep it naturally shiny.

There are even companies now that have products on the market that can replicate this result and make your hair soft and shiny.

Use the Right Products

The same hair spray and shampoo that you used on your hair when you were 20 may not be suitable or effective when you are 50. When your hair is aging, you need to choose hair products that do not contain many chemicals. The products should also be softening and moisturizing.

Replace harsher products with products that contain agents that are more soothing like:

These are the agents in haircare products that will keep the hair healthy as you get older. Even though it may seem as though your older haircare products are no longer working, the truth is, the structure of your hair has changed. You will need to use products that can replenish your hair and scalp.

It is not a secret that many shampoos and conditioners contain surfactants. Surfactants are chemicals that are added to products because they are effective at removing grime and dirt. A group of surfactants are sulfates. Sulfates are great when you are trying to remove stuck on gravy from your dishes, but they can strip your hair strands of oil and cause dullness and breakage.

However, without sulfates your hair will be overloaded with dirt. A perfect solution is to choose shampoos and conditioners that are sulfate free, and use apple cider vinegar as a rinse between shampoos to remove hair build up.

Take care of your hair by doing weekly hair treatments that will add moisture to your hair. Do not sit back and watch your hair become thin and dull, there are products and procedures available to put that glow back into your hair.

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