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Gifts For Men: The Guide

Buying gifts for men is never easy. In fact, it is always hard. They always seem to have everything, and they usually aren’t bothered with what gift you buy them. This is a pain for all. Whether you’re a wife, partner, son, or daughter. But buying for a man doesn’t have to be that hard if you just put your mind towards it a little. Try to think outside the box too. This list can help you by highlighting certain items and themes you could think on. You can then go further in depth on each category until you think you have what you need. You may have already considered some of them, but try to let your inspiration do the job for you. Think wide and far ranging. Check what they have or haven’t already got. Ask them, of course, but if they are unhelpful look for what they are not saying. Sometimes the answer lies right in front of you. Listen to what they are saying, what they are complaining about and think, what would make their life better at the moment? Granted, it is easier said than done. Until your investigation work is complete, perhaps these can give you some inspiration. Good luck, and don’t give up!


The amount of men who wear jewelry has dropped over the past decade for reasons unknown, however lots still do. Consider getting them another addition to their collection. There are all kinds of things you can go for. Different metals, like gold, silver or platinum. Then you can consider what kind of jewelry. Do they like bracelets, antique rings, earrings? Maybe you could check out these Frost NYC gold chains if they like necklaces. The possibilities are endless. The good thing with jewelry is that it has a wide ranging price range to suit all budgets.  Pinky rings can be a great gift for men who want to feel more stylish.You need to make sure you match it to their tastes, don’t just go off and buy something random or it won’t get used. Look at their collection, look at what they wear every day. From it you can get a good example of the kind of stuff they would like. Buy similar though not the same. Put the effort in and you could get them something exactly like they want and be the hero.


A Watch

Similar in a way to jewelry but deserving its own paragraph, a watch can be the best present you get them, especially if they enjoy watches. Just like jewellery you need to check what they have. Do they like leather straps or metal? These are the kind of questions you need to answer before going ahead and buying a timepiece. What do they do as a day job? If they are always on construction sites you may consider getting them something solid and shockproof. Around water? Go for something waterproof. Always think about what they do and how it can fit in. The budget differences are similar to jewellery too. You can get branded watches for all budgets. You’ll be looking to spend in the low three figures for something half decent, then the price goes up to silly amounts. Do your research and you could find something that is an instant hit. Especially if their current one is looking worse for wear or you think they could broaden their collection.


A Games Console

You may become unpopular if you aren’t his partner because so much time will be diverted to the game’s console. However, you could also get a great gift. Perhaps they are still languishing on the PS3 or XBOX 360? Bring them into the modern era and get them an upgrade. These days PS4’s and XBOX 1’s can be procured at quite the cheaper rate. What would they prefer? Check what they already have and go with that franchise. If they don’t have one, ask their friends what they have. Buy him something similar. It can be a great addition to a home entertainment system too. These days consoles come will all kinds of streaming apps you can use to watch your favourite shows/ Make sure they somewhat remotely enjoy gaming before going ahead.

If consoles are slightly out of budget consider going for a game for an existing console. What type game do they like? Sports, action, multiplayer? Check their collection. Perhaps you can get them an upgrade of an existing sports franchise game. Or a game their friends have been playing so they can play together.

If they are a games nut, and already have the majority of games you have been considering then think about getting something really special. How about virtual reality. It has become ever popular over the last few months. Getting them a virtual reality headset could enhance their gaming experience like none other and take their gaming to the next level. There are games out for it, but it can be expensive because you need the headset, the camera and wands to track movement. If your budget is high then this can be a great bet for anyone looking for that knock out present.


A Day Trip

Do they like history? Maybe you can arrange a trip to a city in the distance, where many historical sites and museums operate. Think about what kind of history they like. You can make a day of it too. If you are the partner, book for the two of you. If a friend or other relative book two slots so they can take their partner. It can be a great small break. Something to look forward too. Just be sure to get the right kind of trip and it will be a hit. Make sure they have not gone to the place you’re thinking of recently too.

A Show

Do they like shows? It could be a new play in the local theatre or an open air production. Check out what’s going on in your local area and buy two tickets. It may be something they had never considered but something they will get lasting enjoyment from. It could be something they had wanted to see but for whatever reason had never got around to it. This is a gift that can be hit and miss, but it will give them something to do on a coming night and they may just love it.

Sports Event

They may not like shows, instead they may enjoy sports. Get them tickets to something great like the superbowl or the champions league final and they will love you always. What kind of sport do they like. Consider it, then buy them corresponding tickets. Look ahead to the time of the event. Will they be busy, on holiday, doing something else that’s important. Make sure there are no clashes before going ahead and buying the tickets. You should also try to find out whether they already have the tickets. If they do, back to the drawing board you go. Better than buying them something they already have.

Sporting Gear

Do they play a sport? If so this can be a great shout. If they play football you could get them some new boots. Look at the type they play first. Do they play five a side on astro turf? Indoor football? Or the traditional kind on grass. You need to make sure you get the right boots. Moulded for indoor, astro turf or blades for playing on artificial grass and traditional studs for grassed based games. Think about other equipment. Maybe a new tennis racquet, shin pads, golf club. The possibilities are endless. Find out what sport they play and go for it. If you get it wrong they can always exchange it for something different. Finding the right gear can be troublesome, but if you get it right it can be the perfect gift for the sports lover. Think to yourself whether there is anything else you can get them that could help them further excel at their chosen sport.

Sticking with the same theme, you could go for sporting lessons. Having an expert teach them how to swing better at golf or play tennis could be a great gift and one that helps them beat their opponents with more ease. Are they introverted? IT could be something they would not like at al so consider their character first before going ahead.

A Day Of Adrenaline

This can be the gift that beats all. You can get something they enjoy too, not just something to shock and surprise them. Do they like cars? Consider a few laps in a supercar at a local track. These gifts are usually only an internet search away. If they don’t like cars too much then look at the other options. White water rafting, maybe for the whole family. It would be a day out like none other and get the whole family laughing. Or you could consider something like a hot air balloon ride or even something like skydiving or bungee jumping if they are the type that likes such things. Make sure they are, because they simply won’t go ahead with it otherwise. They need to be a true adrenaline junkie to appreciate some of these. There are all kinds of alternatives though, so pick what you think would be best enjoyed and give it a try. It’s something different and can also come with the gift of memories.

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