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5 Job Options for Those Who Are Creative

One of the things you’ll soon learn about researching jobs online is that most of the information you find is based on opinion rather than fact. If you are looking for high-paying or ultimately satisfying jobs, why not look to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, BLS? This is where you’ll find real data from which you can explore five job options for those who are creative. Yes, they even have a category for creatives. Amazing, isn’t it?

1. Careers in the Sciences

As the BLS so succinctly states it, even a physicist can be a ‘creative’ when devising some new device or technology. In fact, a job in any of the sciences does require a creative mind because you will almost always be seeking new solutions to age-old problems. With the constant advances in technology, a career in any of the sciences definitely demands creative solutions. Don’t know which field to enter? Check out options on It all starts with a good education.

2. Graphic Designers

This is an interesting field, especially where digital technology and classic artwork merge. If you have a gift for art in any form, you can make a small fortune as a graphic designer. This is a job that uses your talent to sell or promote products and/or ideas. As an occupation within the advertising and marketing industry, graphic designers are in high demand.

3. Multimedia Artists

It takes an extremely talented and creative person to work as a multimedia artist. This is a field in which you combine two or more forms of media to coordinate with visual art. For example, a multimedia artist may put music and animation together with a narrative storyline for a children’s digital book. It’s an interesting field and will, of course, take a broad working knowledge of many art forms.

4. Fashion Designers

If you have a flair for fashion, this is one industry that will be ultimately fulfilling. In fact, Business Insider online magazine lists fashion designers as number eight of 20 careers for creative people. A fashion designer can work with any of the large houses of fashion as an apprentice, upon completing the requisite education. At some future point, they may even make a name for themselves within the world of fashion. Wouldn’t you love to have your name on a label? Who wouldn’t!

5. Media and Communications

This is one field that has literally exploded over the past couple of decades with the advent of the Internet. Although a career in media and communications is in no way limited to the World Wide Web, this is where you’re likely to find the greatest number of high-paying job options. Study the written word, creative and technical, and you will have an interesting career that can lead you in a great number of directions.

The BLS even asserts that sales personnel are often labeled as creatives since closing a deal requires you to think on your feet and approach objections creatively. There is really no end to job options for those who have a creative bent, but these five options are among the most common and the most in-demand. Are you looking for more than a job? Explore a career that uses your creative talents and you’ll have a career for life.

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