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Everything you need to know about the papule in your skin!

A clear skin has always been a reflection of your internal health. Most times, any kind of skin imperfection means that there is an inlying medical condition that you have to treat or that your skin is being exposed to damages and you need to work on extra protection. Papules and pustules are common forms of acne vulgaris or simply acne. There are basic differences in the look and treatment process for both. When you understand the problem with your skin exactly, treating it becomes easier.

What is a papule?

A papule is a skin inflammation or a bump that contains no fluid inside and pains when you touch it. This bump can be varying in size starting from a few millimeter to even a centimeter. The bigger the elevation is, the more does it pain and the more prominent does it look.

What causes papules?

Most times, if you have an oily skin tone, you easily get papules. The dead skin cells and dirt over your skin mix up with the excess oil/sebum secreted and this goes and clogs up the pores of the skin, especially over your face. With time, this clog gets infected resulting in papules, pustules and other kinds of black and whiteheads.

What should you not do?

Lots of people try and pop/squeeze their pimples, thinking it would disappear. Since papules are not filled with any visible liquid, this process not only is useless but also might result in permanent acne scars. The best way to treat papules is to find the right medication and to start using it.

Home remedies

A warm compress or a warm water pack helps with the pain and the level of inflammation. Make sure the compress is not very hot so that it burns your skin around. Drinking lots of water every day is proven to help clear out skin. Tomato is a great fruit to help reduce the intensity of papules. You can rub a slice of tomato over affected skin and let the juice soak in for 20-30 minutes. You can then wash off.


While home remedies help reduce the intensity of acne, you may want to check out papule treatment options to actually see quick results. For all types of acne, the faster you treat them, the quicker will they disappear. There are many external creams, ointments, and cleansers for mild to moderate forms of papules. For more severe forms, treatments like laser and chemical peel help.

Whatever treatment you start with, ensure you have a regular regime and do not give up half way through. Consume healthier food options, get regular exercise every day and try to work on your stress levels. Stress has been known to intensify acne. Always use an acne-friendly face wash twice a day.

Papules, with the right treatment, disappear without a trace. Make sure you work on the symptoms early and follow your doctor’s suggestions for quicker results.

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