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Should You Be Offering Your Dog Complementary Food?

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When you own a dog, you always have their health, happiness, and general wellbeing at the forefront of your mind. You just want to ensure that they are in good shape and that their tail keeps wagging as much as possible! Now, there are plenty of things that can affect a dog’s quality of life, but one of the most important is the food that you feed them. Different breeds have extremely different requirements. A chihuahua, for example, will require dramatically different quantities to a Great Dane. You also have to find out whether your dog prefers dry kibble, wet food, or raw food. Then within these categories you have all sorts of different factors that will determine which food best suits your dog – from the different flavours to the different textures, and content that each different brand offers. However, once you’ve found the perfect food that your dog enjoys, chances are that you’re set to go for a long time. What may then cause further confusion is whether to feed your dog complementary food or not. So, let’s tackle that subject right here! Read on to find out more.

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Does My Dog Need Complementary Food?

As long as you are feeding your dog the correct food for their main meals in the right quantities and all of their nutritional needs are being met by this, you don’t necessarily have to give them complementary food. Complementary food is essentially anything extra that you might want to give your pet. They are essentially treats. While they’re not an absolute essential, every dog deserves a treat of some sort or another. After all, imagine going through life yourself eating only your main meals with no snacks, desserts, or treats!

Types of Complementary Food to Consider

There are plenty of different types of complementary foods out there on the market and they’re all vying for your attention. So it’s not surprising that it’s relatively difficult to decide on which to pick up for your pooch. When it comes to treats, you will slowly come to determine what your pup adores through a series of trial and error. But here are a few that you might want to try them out on.

Hemp Treats

Hemp treats are a great option for your canine companion, especially if they are suffering from chronic health conditions that cause them discomfort or pain. Different hemp dog snacks can help to alleviate the pain or discomfort caused by conditions such as arthritis and inflammatory conditions. They can also help to keep your pet at ease if they show anxious or aggressive behaviour. Just remember to check that they are appropriate with your vet first!

Dental Treats

Many dog owners are unaware that they should clean their pet’s teeth regularly with a special dog toothbrush. This is made easier with specialist dog toothpastes that are flavoured with meat to make the experience more pleasant for your four legged friend. But there are also treats on the market that are especially designed to help clean your dog’s teeth and freshen their breath as an extra! These are great, as they contain breath freshening ingredients and are shaped to rub away any excess plaque and build up on your dog’s teeth.

While your pet will get along fine without complementary food, it’s always a good idea to invest in some. After all, they deserve it!

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