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10 Major Benefits of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy

Our sense of smell is one of the most influential ones we have, although it’s frequently overlooked. Unlike our other senses, smell directly affects our brains and can be used in therapeutic and healing ways. This is why aromatherapy and essential oils provide so many potential benefits. If you want to know what you can expect from aromatherapy, these are a few of the ways it can change your life.

1. Improve Stamina

Certain essential oils can be used for aromatherapy to provide a natural boost on a daily basis and be a performance enhancer. In one study, people who inhaled peppermint oil before running felt like they had more energy and were able to run faster. Peppermint and cinnamon can stimulate nerve pathways that regulate alertness. This is why many people chew cinnamon or peppermint gum before a workout. You can get a natural boost when you’re feeling down by using these essential oils.

2. Improved Repair

This benefit is mostly enjoyed by people who engage in exercise as some essential oils can aid in recovery. Jasmine helps to reduce heart rate and blood pressure so it’s often used as a post-workout aid. Many people will use jasmine oil after a hard workout to help them relax and wind down from exercise. You can use it for that, but also consider it when you’re feeling stressed and need to calm your mind.

3. Stress Relief

This is one of the more popular uses of aromatherapy and with good reason. The aromatic composites of various plants work to soothe the body and mind. They can help to alleviate stress and anxiety in a variety of ways. Peppermint is commonly used for stress relief for its unique action. Peppermint essential oil is also known for its many respiratory benefits. It works to open up your airways and help with deep breathing. Other stress-relieving essential oils include lavender, lemon, and bergamot although this is not a comprehensive list.

4. Weight Control and Appetite

If you’re one of the many people who struggle with feeling hungry constantly, then aromatherapy may be right for you. Certain aroma compounds can help with satiety, improving your ability to maintain or lose weight. Olive oil was used in several studies and was found to decrease the number of calories that people consumed over a day. When you’re trying to lose weight and nothing else appears to be working, consider trying aromatherapy. You may be surprised that this simple addition to your routine can be the breakthrough that you need for success. Italian oils tend to be aromatic and can be used in cooking or aromatherapy to help regulate appetite.

5. Rejuvenation

The quest for healthy, younger skin is always a struggle, but aromatherapy provides benefits in this area as well. Your skin can actually benefit from sandalwood, helping it to rejuvenate itself. Skin cells contain olfactory receptors that improve their growth, leading to healthy, younger-looking skin. Using a lotion that contains sandalwood can be an easy and effective way to improve the tone and texture of skin.

6. Avoid Bloating

Are you prone to unsightly bloating? It may surprise you to find that certain herbs can help with this common problem. The gut cells contain olfactory receptors that stimulate the production of serotonin. This neurotransmitter plays a role in digestion and can be affected by thyme and cloves. Using these essential oils with aromatherapy can provide some benefits and help to decrease or prevent bloating. They may also aid in improving overall digestive function. By helping to stimulate the walls of your small and large intestine, anyone who struggles with a sluggish digestive system can experience these benefits. You can also find other ways to incorporate these herbs in your diet as needed.

7. Improve Memory Function

Everyone tends to have problems with their memory at some point and this can be a concern. If you’re struggling to retain information, then you may want to consider using aromatherapy as a supplemental therapy. Sage is a memory-enhancing oil that can be beneficial. It can help people to retain memories and also form new ones. This may be because there is a strong connection between memory and certain scents. Consider using this when you’re feeling like you can’t retain information.

8. Alleviate Headaches

Thousands of people struggle with headaches and migraines on a regular basis. Although aromatherapy may not completely prevent all headaches, it can be a good way to lessen the severity and occurrence of them. Aromatherapy can also help to alleviate the anxiety that often accompanies a headache. The most common oils that are used with headaches include avocado, rosemary, eucalyptus, and sesame oils. You may want to consider using one or more to see if they benefit you.

9. Improve Sleep

Do you struggle with sleeping? Do you find that you can’t settle down in the evening and get a good night’s sleep? Unfortunately, many people are sleep deprived for a number of reasons. However, aromatherapy can be a soothing way to relax and allow yourself to fall into a natural circadian rhythm for a restful night. Consider using these oils to achieve a balanced sleep schedule and wake up feeling refreshed. The more common essential oils that are used for sleep aids include lavender, marjoram, chamomile, and jasmine.

10. Pain Relief

Whether a pain or ache is chronic or sudden, aromatherapy can provide relief for a wide variety of ailments. Keep in mind that it may not completely eliminate all types of pain but most people experience a decrease in pain and stress when they start using aromatherapy on a consistent basis. The oils that are often used for pain relief include peppermint, juniper, rosemary, sage, and lavender. Many of the constant aches and pains can be at least partially resolved with essential oils.

Although these 10 benefits should be enough to convince you of the many benefits of essential oils, there are many additional ways that essential oils can enhance your life. If you feel like essential oils could benefit you, do as much research as you can and find the ones that could be the most helpful for your situation.

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