While it was always assumed that vaping was a much healthier option than smoking, there is more and more empirical evidence being released that actually backs up that assumption. For many, vaping is much more than just a hobby. It is an actual way to quit smoking for good and live a healthier lifestyle. If you still aren’t convinced that vaping is a much better choice than smoking, here are a few reasons why you should consider making the switch.
Great Way to Transition Away from Tobacco Products
While vaping is now seen as a pastime to many, e-cigarettes were actually first introduced as a device to quit smoking, And when done properly, vaping can be a great tool to quit smoking and nicotine completely. You can find e-Liquids with all sorts of different concentrations, allowing you to control your dosage and gradually lower it so you can find a happy medium and eventually quit nicotine altogether.
No more Tobacco Smell
One of the biggest benefits of vaping is that it is much less intrusive as far as smell goes. A lot of people have a complete aversion to the tobacco smell, and when you’re a regular smoker, it’s often difficult to tell how unpleasant and offensive the smell can be to others. The last thing you want is for everybody to know that you have been smoking, just by entering the room. After a time, the smell starts penetrating your skin and clothes and can really become invasive. Vapor doesn’t linger as much as smoke and is more suitable for a public environment, which makes it a great option if you’re around people all the time.
Save Money
Another reason why you should consider switching to vaping is because of the savings you stand to make. Taxes on tobacco products are extremely high at the moment and there is no sign that they’re going to get lowered anytime soon. Maintaining a smoking habit is ridiculously expensive nowadays, making vaping a perfect solution if you’re on a budget. Vaping liquids cost nowhere near as much as cigarettes per dose and can contain just as much nicotine or more, which is perfect if you want to curb your cravings without breaking the bank.
Get your Tastebuds Back
Few people realize how much their sense of taste and smell is completely altered by smoking. But the act of smoking can actually destroy some of your tongue’s cells and have a serious effect on how you taste things. Since vaping doesn’t involve combustion, you get to keep your tastebuds and start enjoying the full flavor of the foods you eat again.
You Could Actually Turn It into a Business
I don’t know too many YouTubers or blogs that review different types of cigarette flavors or cover new tobacco products entering the market. But there is a huge community of vapers who are constantly looking for the next best thing and information on what new product to buy. Vaping could actually make you money if you know how to go about it.
You could start your own business and start a blog for instance. Or you could start your very own product line from scratch. You could also buy vaping accessories and vaping devices wholesale and become a reseller as well. Tons of retailers sell both wholesale and retail vaping products and this a great way to get your foot in the door and start making money selling their products either offline or through your own website. If you need more information about wholesaling and are looking for a great supplier, you can learn more about one well-known vape supplies company here.
More Variety
Another great thing about vaping is that you can constantly tweak your experience and get something new every day. There are literally thousands of different flavors on the market and the possibilities become quasi-infinite when you consider all the different combinations you can make. Whether you prefer a full tobacco flavor, classic flavors like menthol, fruity smells or desserts, you’ll find it in e-Liquid form. And if you want to unleash your inner chemist, you could create your own mixes and come up with all sorts of wacky flavors.
No Second-Hand Smoke
Not only does vaping produce no smoke at all, but it also dissipates very quickly from the air, which greatly reduces the number of toxins lingering around. Vapor only stays in the air for about 11 seconds before it starts dissipating. In comparison, cigarette smoke will linger in the air for about 20 minutes before it does so. This not only makes vaping much safer for the people around you but makes it a much better option for indoor consumption, period.
Less Social Stigma
People often may not recognize it, but there’s a lot of stigma and prejudice towards smokers. In some cases, someone finding out you’re a smoker could actually put an end to a personal or even professional relationship. Smokers just get a bad rap these days, and it is one of the reasons why many people decide to make the switch. Vaping is seen as smarter and healthier by many people nowadays and is much more socially accepted than smoking.
Better Lung Health in General
But above all, vaping is a much better option if you care about your lung health. Not only has vaping been repeatedly proven to be less harmful than cigarettes for your respiratory system, but you’ll also start feeling the effects soon after you’ve quit smoking. Your breathing will become clearer and easier and you’ll start feeling better overall. You might notice more secretions being produced when you first make the switch, but that is just a sign that your body is getting rid of its toxins. If you want to get your breathing, stamina, and overall quality of life back, vaping is definitely the way to go.
As you can see, vaping is much better than smoking in so many ways. If you are still unsure about the many benefits vaping has to offer, we suggest you do your own research and see whether it could be the best option for you.