Life is a truly crazy thing. It changes so much and leads in so many different directions that it can be hard to really look at it objectively and appreciate what you have. Many people are always looking for something else or looking forward to the next thing, rather than keeping their current situation in their mind and looking for the positive even in what might be a negative time at first glance. Here are some of the best reasons to appreciate your life and make the most of what you have.
You Can’t Go Back
One of the biggest reasons to spend your time appreciating what you have now is that the past cannot be revisited. You can remember it, think about it, enjoy those memories, but you can never actually go back there. This is why it is so much better to enjoy the present. This involves being what is known as mindful – appreciating the present time, even if it isn’t what you might have wanted. It can be hard to do, but it will make you less stressed, worried, and more able to focus on what you are doing, and do it well.
You Can Change Things
When you appreciate what you have and what is good in your life, you are better placed to see what is not so good in both your own life and other people’s. When you can do this successfully, you then have the power to change things. Create or sign a petition such as the call to end daylight saving time if it will make lives better. Change what you are doing so that you are able to be more positive. Help other people make changes in their own lives. If enough people were to do this, real positive change can be achieved in every part of every life.
You’ll Waste Time
If you are constantly waiting for the next thing to happen, or looking beyond what you are doing now to the next big achievement, then you are wasting the present, and that is something you can never get back. You might not enjoy school so you wish for graduation, for example. However, this means that you aren’t really looking at what you could be doing now to make yourself happier. The same is true in every aspect of life – take the time to appreciate what you have right now, and you’ll realize that you can always find something to enjoy, and you don’t have to always be striving for the next event or achievement to happen.
You’re In Control
When you step back and look around you and start to appreciate you life more, you put yourself in control. This means that other people and the circumstances you find yourself in don’t have any power over you anymore, and you are more easily able to stay happy and positive. For those who don’t appreciate what they have and are always looking for something more, the actions of other people and circumstances beyond their control can easily serve as an excuse for not changing how they live or how they feel. Remember that it is always your choice to be happy and positive, no matter what is going on around you – keep this in mind and practice it all the time and you will always be the one in control.
No One Is Perfect
If the reason that you don’t take the time or have the inclination to appreciate your life very much, if at all, is that you see everyone else around you doing better, having more fun, with more money or with a great family – perhaps things that you don’t necessarily have – then you need to think again. It is likely that you are seeing these things on social media, and this is the problem; people portray a life that they want others to know about on social media. This doesn’t mean that it is their real life, and it doesn’t necessarily show how they really feel.
Take a look at your own timeline, and you’ll see; much of what you have written, much of the content you have shared, and the photos you have posted will be positive, showing off what you have and how much you are loved. Then relate that back to your real life; in between all the good things that you were posting about, there will have been bad things that you didn’t mention. This is what everyone’s life is like, and comparing yourself to others is useless. The less you do it, the more you can appreciate what you have. Even if you aren’t happy all the time, the good times will hopefully outweigh the bad, and this is what you need to focus on.
Money Won’t Buy You Happiness
Many people feel that more money would buy them happiness, and so they work harder than ever, spending less time with their families, even making themselves sick because of worry and exhaustion. However, if you have food, water, somewhere to live and people you love around you, this is what you should be thinking of and appreciating. Ambition is a good thing, but not when it takes you away from your family and makes you sick. With more money you could buy more things, but do you really need them, or would it be a case of spending the money just because it is there? What would a bigger house, a newer car, or a five-star vacation really do for you that a small house, older car, and a vacation in your own home town couldn’t? Appreciate what you have, and you’ll be much more content, and happier too.
Other People Aren’t So Fortunate
Finally, it’s important to remember that no matter how little you have – or think you have – there will be someone who has less. This doesn’t negate the fact that you might want or need more, but it should give you a little more perspective and allow you to appreciate what you do have a little more.