Site icon Tammie's Take~

AncordWorks Portable Bluetooth Speaker #Review

I received the below mentioned complimentary product either for free or a discounted price for the purpose of this post. All opinions and thoughts are 100% my own.

We have a beautiful home with 2 perfect porches-1 in back and of course 1 in the front. The only problem is that we just sit there  and listen to the birds and crickets. I really want to listen to music or the news.  This is why I was thrilled when the opportunity came about to review the AncordWorks Portable Bluetooth Speaker.

About The AncordWorks Portable Bluetooth Speaker~

My Review/Thoughts~

The AncordWorks Portable Bluetooth Speaker is water proof which is very big bonus. The music that comes through the speakers is crystal clear and very loud or soft depending on what your sound preference is. It looks perfect and very stylish on my table on our patio. The design is modern and sleek. I am in love with the hands free features. The AncordWorks Portable Bluetooth Speaker has everything I could ever want in a speaker.

I give the AncordWorks Portable Bluetooth Speaker my highest recommendation and my thumbs up.

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