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Join the “Shop With Your Heart” initiative from the ASPCA

The ASPCA has launched an exciting new initiative to improve the lives of farm animals called Shop With Your Heart.

As many of you know, I am such a huge pet advocate. I beleive and stress that there is nothing more important than the welfare of our animals. I am so very happy to introduce you to this new initiative from the ASPCA.

You may already know, most of the nearly 9 billion animals raised for meat, milk and eggs in the US are suffering in inhumane factory farms. And animals are not the only affected, as factory farms impact human health—they can be breeding grounds for dangerous pathogens and the antibiotics used to prevent disease create the potential for dangerous, drug-resistant bacteria to develop. To fully harness the power of our collective purchases and demand better lives for farm animals, the Shop With Your Heart initiative gives consumers the resources to recognize, locate and demand meaningfully welfare-certified meat, eggs and dairy products as well as plant-based alternatives.

Here are a few ways you can get involved:

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