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3 Tech Treats for the Older Members of Your Family

The advent of touchscreen technology has made getting online easier and more accessible for a wide range of people around the world who previously viewed computers as esoteric and somewhat difficult to use. That’s a great thing because it means that the industry has not only succeeded at becoming more sophisticated and more capable of meeting people’s everyday needs and also because it means they are doing a better job of creating products that meet those needs easily and seamlessly.

Unfortunately, though, the industry does not move as one, and anticipating the needs of each new niche in the market means innovating new products that build on previous models to address them. With that in mind, here are three techy treats that will delight senior citizens who love new gadgets but who need a little something extra out of them.

Accessible Tablets 

Tablet computers are the go-to device for easy entertainment and online access, but they can be difficult to operate for the visually or manually impaired. While top companies have done a lot to address this on the software side, only the grandPad is making strides toward implementing hardware changes that are specifically designed to help make the pad accessible. Those features include rugged construction, screen displays with plenty of space and larger icons, and of course, larger, easier to hit buttons.

One Cup Gourmet Coffee 

One of the biggest inconveniences to most top-tier coffee makers is that they are constructed to put out a pot of coffee at a time, which can be wasteful when someone just wants a single cup to get started in the morning. That can be solved with a nifty new one cup maker, whether you go with the already-famous Keurig cup machines or an alternative, there are plenty to choose from. Their internal computers and digital sensors help to ensure that every cup is perfect every time, too.

Voice-to-Text Software 

Dictation software is nothing new, but today’s options lend sophisticated control over your entire computer to your voice, and they are typically designed to improve as you use them. The key is to go straight to the leader in the industry, Dragon Naturally Speaking, and to invest in their newest and most robust package. That way, you can be sure the software will be able to really help when your loved ones sit down to work on their correspondence, memoirs, or other documents.

There are a lot more techy gift ideas out there, so if your senior already has these, don’t despair! Just go looking for the best and most complementary accessories and extras you can add to help them get the most out of their technological investments. That way, they have everything they need just the way they need it.

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