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4 Thoughtful Treats You Can Give Your Parents This Year

Parents give birth to children, they raise them, these kids grow up to adulthood, get married, give birth and raise children of their own and the cycle continues. Great parenting has always been the reason that we have an ever growing, yet relatively sane society.

Parents are a blessing and should be appreciated for their work. Here are a few ways I believe you can make your parents feel loved and appreciated this year.

1. Surprise them on special occasions

Of course, they expect you to remember special dates such as their wedding day, birthdays so calling them on these days is nothing special. However, you could plan to throw them a surprise party on these dates.

It does not have to be a very elaborate event, just you, your siblings, a few of their close friends etc. The familiar crowd ensures that conversion is not a problem at the party. They will definitely remember this one for years to come.

2. Be their child again – for a bit

You are busy now and have many responsibilities at work and at home, perhaps you even have a family of your own now, however, this should not stop you from making time for your parents.

Whenever your schedule is relatively free, you can plan to spend visit your parents and spend a few days with them. While you are staying with them make a conscious effort to do stuff that will remind them of the joys they experienced while raising you. Stay in your old room; handle the chores you used to be tasked with, run errands for them.

I know parents – moms especially – who would break down in happy tears just watching you relive your childhood while they watch and are grateful all over again.

3. Get them unique and memorable gifts

People can tell when you put no thought into the gifts you give them. So, this rules out going to the gift section of any store and picking up something that a million other people have picked. Find something that you know your parents would cherish for the rest of their lives.

Over the years, you must have heard them talk about things they wish they had, places they wish they had been to etc. Make these wishes come through for them. It could be something as simple as a limited offer hunting knife to an expensive 2 weeks cruise vacation.

My Mom loves watercolor painting, so last year for their wedding anniversary, my siblings and I got them a huge painting of one of their favorite pictures. They thoroughly enjoyed it and it is still hanging in the sitting room more than a year later.

Whatever the case, make sure that you do something they love and will never forget.


4. Foster the relationship between them and their grand kids

This most unique of family relationships has inspired numerous memes and printed t-shirts around the globe. Do not deprive your parents of the joy of knowing their grand children. During the holidays, bring your children to come stay with Grandma and Grandpa.

Let them form an inseparable bond, as it will make both parties see you in a positive light. Some parents never feel that their parenting job is complete until they see the values they instilled in their children reflected in their grandchildren. This opportunity to experience each other up close will definitely give them the peace of mind that they so richly deserve and they will be ever grateful to you for it.

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