7 ways to ensure you’re getting the best deal when starting a new sport

2017-07-20 | 01:52h
2017-07-20 | 01:52h
Reviews7 ways to ensure you’re getting the best deal when starting a new sport

July 19, 2017 Leave a CommentAMP

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In the pursuit of health and happiness, sport can play a big part. Getting involved in physical activities can help to release endorphins that will immediately raise your spirits. Enjoying a sport will give you the opportunity to lose weight, improve muscle tone, strengthen your respiratory system, and increase your flexibility. Not only this, but sport can often provide a great opportunity to interact with other likeminded individuals and to escape the pressures of day to day life. If you are interested in starting a new sport, it is important that the cost of doing so does not put you off. You can’t put a price on the end results of being active, but in the early stages you may find yourself resenting any strain on your finances. Below are seven ways to avoid this. Instead they will help you to engage with the world of sport whilst getting the best deal for your money.

Try before you buy

A good way to ensure that you are investing your money in the right place is trying out clubs or classes before you sign up permanently. If there is a specific sport or activity that you are interested in, try to find some free classes in your local area. Even if you eventually hope to advance to a class that requires payment, a free trial is a good indication of whether or not you are well suited to the sport. It is also worth finding out whether there are any gyms near to you that offer a trial membership. It is common for gyms to offer a trial period of around a month to prospective clients. Alternatively, some gyms require you to sign up first, but offer the first month’s membership free. If you find yourself visiting the gym regularly, you can remain a member. If not, you can cancel your membership and try something else. You should also look out for gift vouchers and discount codes that can be applied to exercise classes, exercise equipment, or gym memberships. If you have a celebration coming up, make sure that your friends and family know that is something you would be interested in.

Consider where you are purchasing your equipment from

When you are starting a new sport, it is easy to go all out when purchasing new equipment. Don’t just splash the cash at your local store. Instead, make sure to shop around and weigh up all of your options. Firstly, there are lots of benefits to purchasing your sports equipment online. You will have a much wider range of options, and it will be much easier and quicker to compare prices. If you are someone who enjoys the personal touch, you could always try visiting a store for advice and then go online afterwards to actually purchase the equipment. You could also read online reviews of products or watch YouTube videos that review them. Secondly, you could look at second-hand stores. This is a great way to find equipment at discount prices. A really savvy shopper will check the second-hand stores around February and March, as this will be the point at which many people will have given up on their New Year’s resolutions. If you manage to snatch up a bargain then, it is more likely to be a well-known brand that has barely been used. Try to have a list of brands that you are looking for, as this will help you to know what equipment is worth your money and what equipment is just a cheap alternative to your ideal sports kit.


Exercise for free or start your own club

It is important to remember the fact that often you don’t actually need to pay to exercise. Instead, there are lots of ways for you to get fit for free. If you’re not that used to being active, exercising for free is the perfect introduction to taking care of your body. You can progress from there into more expensive options, but not having to pay at first may help you to stay motivated. You could even consider starting your own exercise club with a friend, as this will introduce a social element to your workout. If you become really into your fitness, you could invite other people to join the club. This could eventually result in you making money. For instance, if you are really getting into yoga, you could consider training as an instructor and charge a small fee for your classes. Alternatively, you could suggest that all members contribute a small amount of money that you can group together to fund one professional class a week. This way you can do your free exercise throughout the week and then work on your technique at least once.

Buy in bulk

If you do decide to start a club, you may want to consider buying your sports equipment in bulk. If your kids are on any teams, this is also a great option. Often if you buy in bulk, you will reduce the overall cost of your order. If the store or website you are looking at doesn’t offer special deals for bulk orders, look around for somewhere that does. Whatever you do, don’t settle. Even if you don’t have somebody to order with, why not invest in sports equipment for the future? This way you will save money, and you will be able to have spares in case any of your equipment gets damaged. It is important to remember the exact amount of money you are paying for your sports equipment, as if you ever decide to replace your kit and want to sell it on, you will need to know what amount you can reasonably expect to receive. If you have purchased a bulk order at a discounted price, you may find that you can even make a profit through resale!

Compare your prices

If you are shopping online, it is important to compare your prices. Something may seem like a really great deal, but you will kick yourself if you see the same item being sold elsewhere for even less. Remember, when it comes to sports equipment, the initial cost isn’t the only factor to consider. Investing in a reliable and well-made piece of kit may save you money in the long run. This is why you need to weigh up your options. Many websites provide information about the options available for sports equipment. For instance, if you are interested in playing golf you can easily find out all you need to know about the best wedges 2017. By researching your options, you will be able to work out what you need to prioritize when making your purchases. If you are just dipping your toe in the water, you may want to prioritize low prices. However, if you are fully committed to a lifestyle change, you will want to find equipment that will last you as long as possible and will help you to improve in your chosen sport.

Save money on sports tickets

A fantastic way to increase your interest in a sport is by finding inspiration from the professionals. It is almost impossible not to be inspired by the sight of athletes at the top of their game. Following sport doesn’t have to be expensive, as you can also save money on tickets. If you have decided to start your own club, you could encourage other members to attend sporting events and turn it into a club tradition. If you’re not really sure about a sport, why not try attending a charity or amateur event? This way you are not throwing your money away on tickets that you might not enjoy using. However, if you do enjoy yourself, you can look at splashing out a little more. A further alternative can be found in setting up a viewing session at your house or local community hall. You can either simply use a TV, or you could find a sheet and a projector. Invite all of your friends and purchase healthy snacks. This will help to create the environment of a sporting event at minimal expense.

Whatever you do, don’t give up!

The best way to get the most out of a sport is to not give up! Make sure that you do everything in your power to truly commit. This is easier said than done, as many people struggle to stay dedicated when it comes to exercise. If you have tried and failed in the past, consider if there are any patterns to your attempts. Once you have identified the problems, begin to focus on the solutions. Understanding why you give up on exercise will help you to avoid this happening again. When you begin to notice a difference in your health and happiness, you will realize that all of your dedication has paid off. This will help to justify any and all costs you have faced along the way.

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