How to Make a Room Seem Bigger

2017-09-15 | 16:19h
2017-09-15 | 16:19h
ReviewsHow to Make a Room Seem Bigger

September 15, 2017 Leave a CommentAMP

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Modern homes are great in some ways. They are generally better insulated, but, on the other hand, the rooms are often smaller. If you want to learn how to make your rooms seem bigger, please read on. Below are several simple and relatively easy ways to achieve the look you are after.

Create the right type of focal point

When you enter a room, without realising it your eye is naturally drawn to a focal point. You can use this natural reaction to your advantage. Try to create your focal point so that it draws the eye along the room or to its furthest point. This has the effect of making the space seem as big as possible.

It could be as simple as hanging a large canvas print on the appropriate wall then up-lighting it, so it catches the eye. You can easily buy the kind of high-quality picture you need for this task from the Hello Canvas website. The fact that you can potentially choose any image means that this is an approach that can be used in virtually any home.


Use mirrors

Another simple approach is to hang more mirrors in your room. Potentially, you could turn a mirror into your focal point. If you can hang it so that it reflects the room beyond it will also make the room seem far bigger. Even if you are not able to hang it in this way, do not instantly dismiss the idea of using mirrors in your home. They are a great way of capturing the natural light and reflecting it back into the room.

Let more light in

Generally speaking, the brighter a space is the bigger it will seem. As well as using mirrors be sure to open your curtains as widely as possible. Also, consider installing internal doors with glass panels, so that light can flow more easily through your house.

Draw the eye outside

If you have a garden try to set things up so that you can see it while you are in your house. This has the effect of drawing the eye outside, which automatically makes the room you are entering, or sitting in, seem larger. Ideally, you should install French or patio doors, but if you cannot do this just make sure that you make the most of the windows you have.

Change your window coverings

Try to choose window coverings that do not drape over the actual glass too much. The more of the view you show the better. Plus, of course, by taking this approach you will be naturally letting more light into your home.

Improve the lighting

The way you light a room also has a big impact. If the space is dark and dingy it will naturally feel small and pokey. You can learn more about how to use lighting in your home to improve the look and feel of it as well as create the illusion of space, you can do so here.

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