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How to Travel around Canada on a Budget

If you have your heart set on going to Canada, you will be happy to note that it is typically not amongst the most inexpensive places in North America to travel around. This is helped by the fact that festivals and attraction ticket prices are kept low for the most part, while the nature – which is generally free to explore – is one of the country’s big selling points.

Despite this, a trip to Canada can still be a painful experience for your bank balance. That is, if you don’t know how to budget your vacation properly. If you struggle to come up with ideas on how to save money when going on holiday, read on for some helpful tips on traveling around Canada on a budget.

Search around before booking flights

If you reside some distance away from Canada, one of the biggest expenditures for your vacation will likely be plane tickets. However, if you search around with the likes of Kayak, Skyscanner or any other flight comparison tool, you could well save a big chunk of change when it comes to purchasing such tickets.

On the topic of flying, also enquire about the prices for domestic flights. Although it might not seem reasonable on the surface, going by plane across the country might actually be cheaper than using other forms of transport.

Avoid staying in hotels

A hotel is a potential money pit for your Canada travel budget.

Thankfully, there are viable alternatives available to make things easier in that regard. Hostels are obviously the cheapest standard accommodation pick, but if you’re searching for something more private, a self-catering option could be your best bet. Not only are they cheaper to stay at than you might expect, but due to possessing kitchen facilities, you can also avoid the costly need to dine out each day. For an example, check out the condos offered by Tremblant Sunstar:

Stay outdoors

With a vast space of land and a tiny population in comparison, Canada is a place built for those that want to go on an outdoor adventure. The good news about that is most outdoor activities – from hiking to even skiing – are inexpensive to do. Instead of spending money on frivolous city attractions, stay outdoors and explore Canada’s glorious nature.

Use coupons

If you know what you’ll be doing in Canada ahead of time, it is advised that you view coupon websites to see if they have any deals available. You could find tickets to attractions at half price for example, or you might find a local eatery supplying plentiful food on the cheap.

Catch a ride

If you are traveling across the country, you will no doubt be worried about the cost of getting from place to place. Well, there’s always the optimistic option of trying to hitchhike, but this isn’t most successful or safest (even in Canada!) options of moving around.

There is, however, another way of traveling on the cheap that hasn’t already been mentioned. That is by using ride-sharing services. Websites like Kangaride and Craigslist have a ride-share page, where you have the opportunity to share a vehicle with travelers that are going to the same destination as you. So to save money and potentially make new friends, all you have to do is split the cost of gas. Vacation properly. You could always earn some money
whilst you are away by renting out your house whilst you are away. We recommend Global Guardians who are professionals on how to protect a vacant property.

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