Preparing Your Family For A New Baby

2018-09-11 | 11:45h
2018-10-12 | 13:09h
ReviewsPreparing Your Family For A New Baby

September 11, 2018 Comment : 1AMP

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If you’re pregnant, it’s important you prepare your existing family for a new baby – especially the children you already have! Depending on their ages, they may feel mixed emotions about having a new sibling. Some may be excited, some may be scared, others may be resentful. It can depend on their age, as well as how you handle the situation from the time you announce your pregnancy to the time the baby is born. When you’re preparing for a new baby it is always daunting, whether the pregnancy be through IVF from Fertility Plus or natural conception.

Using the tips and advice here will help you to prepare your family for a new baby as best you possibly can. Take a look now and ensure everybody is ready:

During Pregnancy

During your pregnancy, it’s important you know the right time to tell your existing children. Children ages 1-2 may not understand, but your attitude will rub off on them, so it’s important to be excited! Children 2-4 are still very clingy, so it’s important you are delicate about the situation and ensure that they know they will still get your love and attention. Involving them can help to get them excited. It’s also important that you involve older children, and that you talk about their feelings with them. Don’t invalidate them or tell them they are being silly. Some children may even regress a little and start speaking in baby talk. This is all down to them being afraid that they won’t get a look in anymore.

When explaining when the baby will arrive, try using the season rather than saying in a few months. Children don’t often understand the concept of months, so say the baby will be born when the weather gets warmer/cooler, for example. If they ask questions, answer them in an age appropriate way. For example, tell them babies come from the uterus if they ask where they come from – you don’t need to talk to them about sex, unless you feel they are old enough to understand. You can also try looking at baby pictures from when they were little, and coming up with names together. Consider going to listen to the baby’s heartbeat as a family. Some of these things can be difficult if you have made the choice to use surrogacy or another method, but you must still prepare your children and explain to them the best way you can..

Sibling birth classes may also be useful, where children will learn how to hold a baby, amongst other things.



Planning For The Birth

When you are planning for the birth, make sitter arrangements and explain to your kids what will happen when the time comes, so there are no nasty surprises for them. Make sure you let your child visit in hospital soon after the baby is born, and have minimal visitors to ensure it is an intimate family event. This will allow your children to create a bond with the baby early on. You might even consider letting your children to help you to pack your hospital bag.

Bringing The Baby Home

When you bring the baby home, involve your child as much as you can so they don’t feel left out. Your child might like to help you dress, burp, bathe, or entertain the baby. This will give them a sense of responsibility, and is another great way for them to bond with the baby. Ensure you take advantage of one on one time with older kids when the baby is sleeping, as this will help to ease any resentment that may be present, and prove to them that you’re not going to forget about them. It can be a good idea to have a set time for spending time with them so that you stick to it. You might also want to do something special with them/for them, such as take them to the park or buy them a small gift. When you are expecting, buying gifts for the little one is very important. Why not try one of the best electric cars for kids, they are great fun!

It can be tempting to have your kids home from school or nursery, as if you’re home, it may feel like everybody should be home. However, it’s best to keep kids in a routine at this time, or you will confuse them further.


Start preparing for the birth of your new baby as soon as possible, so you can ensure the whole family is super excited. You might be surprised at how well your child takes to sibling-hood. If you’d like even more tips and ideas, you can speak to mums with multiple children and see if their insight can help you.


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Calvin says

November 8, 2018 at 4:24 pmAMP

Nice few points to keep in mind! Definitely helpful for those who want a new baby


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