A Guide- Running a Tight Ship in Your Family Home

2019-08-16 | 14:00h
2019-08-16 | 14:10h
ReviewsA Guide- Running a Tight Ship in Your Family Home

August 16, 2019 Comments : 4AMP

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Is your family abode currently a bit chaotic? Are things always going missing? Is there constantly a pile of mess on your dining table? For yours and your family’s sake, you need to seek to tighten the reins and run your home in a far more ship-shape fashion. Once you do, you’ll no doubt wonder why you didn’t make this kind of effort sooner!

Put the following advice into practice, and you’ll be running a tight ship in your family home in no time.

Draw up a weekly plan of all jobs that need doing

The plan that you draw up doesn’t need to be set in stone. In fact, the tasks that you set yourself and your family don’t even have to be completed on or by specific days. Merely having a list of all the things that need doing by the end of the week will benefit you, as it will act as a constant reminder of all the tasks you have at hand. Whether it’s something as simple as taking the bins out or whether it’s something more complex like putting a shelf up, put it on your plan, and it’ll be more likely to get done.

Being an essential task, cleaning should be the first thing you consider when drawing up your weekly plan of jobs that need doing. To ensure that everything gets done and your home remains in tip-top condition, you should make sure everybody is contributing in this instance. You can do the dusting, your partner can do the dishes, and the kids can be tasked with picking up their toys and putting them away. If you all chip in (and if you all put in a bit of elbow grease while you’re at it), your home will look spic and span in no time.

Create meal plans

Another kind of plan that you should draw up at the beginning of each week is one that covers what meals you and your family will be eating over the coming days. By making an effort in this instance, your wallet, your health, and your schedule will all stand to reap a host of benefits.

Money-wise, you will find yourself saving cash as you won’t be wasting it on food that isn’t going to be eaten. Health-wise, you’ll be able to plan wholesome meals in advance and avoid having to settle for ready-meals. Plus, schedule-wise, you won’t spend as much time deliberating what to buy and what to prepare, meaning you’ll be left with more time to focus on tightening the ship in other areas of your home.

Sound advice in this instance is to leave an online grocery order open throughout the week and to add to it whenever you think of items you need. Doing so will stop you missing essential items on your shopping list.

Embrace the KonMari method of organizing

The KonMari method has reinvented and even somewhat rejuvenated the tedious task of keeping your home organized. Instead of advocating a room-by-room approach to organization (as most other tidying methods do), the KonMari encourages homeowners to tidy by category. Embracing this method will see you tidy up your worldly belongings based on their function, not where they are currently located. It is an effective form of organizing as it will help you to avoid that dreaded plight of becoming fatigued after cleaning only one room. The KonMari will see you tackle the entirety of your home in one go, not just one corner of it.

Another good way to approach organization is to clean as you go. In this instance, be sure to make sure the mantra ‘Don’t put it down, put it away!’ is something the whole of your family abides by.

Fix things whenever they break

For your home to be in ship-shape condition at all times, everything within it needs to be working at optimum capacity at all times. It means that, as soon as something breaks or malfunctions, you need to set about fixing the issue right away.

The task of fixing things in your home doesn’t necessarily have to fall upon you. It doesn’t even have to fall upon your partner. There is plenty of professional tradespeople out there willing to fix your issues and keep your home in ship-shape condition for you. Thanks to the Internet, you don’t even have to put a lot of effort into finding these professionals. Should your electrics ever blow, for example, all you need do is head to Porch and search for “residential electricians near me”. The website’s extensive database will match you with available professionals in your area in seconds. It will then be down to you to choose the electrician that you believe is up to the task of fixing your specific issue.

Once put into practice, the above advice will help you to run a tight ship in your family home.

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Michele Pineda says

August 16, 2019 at 10:12 amAMP

I definitely need to get a bit more organized. During the summer months I tend to get lax and enjoy the warmer weather but with cooler weather on the horizon I need to start getting the house ready for that, and getting some organization done too.


Sarah L says

September 21, 2019 at 12:23 amAMP

Good things to think about.


Mary Gardner says

November 5, 2019 at 1:59 pmAMP

These are great ideas. I haven’t yet learned about the KonMari Method but have heard lots about it. I have always been the clean as you go type.


Dana Rodriguez says

December 6, 2019 at 1:05 pmAMP

These are all great tips. Things can get a bit crazy sometimes so these are great ideas.


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