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Dog Breeds and Important Factors to Know About By First-Timers

There is a popular saying that “A dog is a man’s best friend.” The loyalty and love showered by this species of animals are known far and wide. They are intelligent beings and when trained at the right time, can easily grasp a host of techniques. Dogs are also renowned for their intense dependability when it comes to guarding one’s home and loved ones. All in all, the positive vibes that they have to offer to their owners are innumerable and beyond words.

Many people, despite their love for dogs, do not get to own one. The reason for the same can be many including unavailability of a specific breed and inadequate space at home. For some, it can also be a fear to understand whether or not they will be able to handle the beautiful animal. So, we shall discuss in this piece about the different considerations every first-timer should make. Each of these considerations would prove essential in developing a bond between you, your pet and your family members.

Dog Breeds and How You Can Choose Yours

The commencement of domesticating dogs happened since time immemorial and each breed was domesticated for different purposes. Apart from being a loyal friend, the human race also accepted the animal for assistance during hunting, guarding, carrying goods and more. So, before you bring one home, here are five of the popular breeds and their characteristics that you should know about:

  1. Pugs: This adorably energetic breed can be seen sharing space among many families across the globe today. They come in shades of black, silver fawn, fawn as well as apricot. Pugs are known for their clever nature, but can also be stubborn at times. However, they are quite comfortable to socialize with people and make for the perfect partner to play with.


  1. Labrador: The playful nature and extremely kind behavior of Labradors make them one of the most loved dogs. They are clever and come with an extremely outgoing nature. Labradors are even-tempered as well and can be quickly trained with various tricks which make them an ideal choice even in defense academies.


  1. German Shepherd: Another intensely clever dog with the ability to be trained quickly, the German shepherd is another popular breed. They are renowned for their different characteristics such as being alert, intelligent, obedient and very courageous. They too are one of the foremost choices for defense academies and homeowners as excellent watchdogs.


  1. Poodles: When it comes to pretty dogs who can bring home multiple awards in different dog shows, then a poodle is what you are looking for. Poodles are intensely faithful to their owners and they remain alert and active too. They are easily trainable dogs as well and make for the ideal family dog. A bonus point with this breed is that they do not shed and therefore can be domesticated by people with allergies too.


  1. Shih Tzu: They are adorable, smart, playful, loyal and very affectionate. Living with a Shih Tzu will offer you the experience to enjoy some really adorable moments. The breed may be tiny in size, but they will be your best friend who will loyally live with you. They do demand for continuous care and affection, but you will be blessed with a friend for life in return.


Apart from these five breeds, there are dozens of others that you can choose to befriend. Afghan hound, Beagle, Basset Hound, Bloodhound, Boxer, Cocker Spaniel, Bulldog, English Bulldog, Chihuahua, Great Dane and Corgi are some of the few. Luke Stevens with ( says that anyone looking for a big dog but worried about strength or aggression should consider a Great Dane, whose breed is often referred to as the ‘gentle giant’. You can find any of the breeds as per their availability in an area based on climate and the breeds’ population.


Significant Points to Consider

When it comes to bringing a dog home, be it any breed, and living with the same, there are several important considerations that you must understand. To avoid any mishaps, it is also suggested by experts to first learn the techniques from a professional or a known one. While you can do that a few weeks before getting a dog, let us discuss the other essential factors:


  1. Be Gentle: While dogs can be loyal and friendly, they can also be extremely aggressive when treated wrongly. It is of utmost importance that you first learn the technique of being gentle towards them, no matter what the situation. You should know that initially, it is your fault. This way, you can get to know your friend better and vice versa while building the relationship of trust.


  1. Know the Foods: Dogs are big-time food lovers. They will be seen watching you right from the front every time you eat something. However, you CANNOT feed them everything that you eat! It is a strict NO-NO when it comes to learning and giving the right food to your dog(s).


  1. Nutrition: The best way to provide the needed nutrition to your friend is by serving him or her dog foods that are readily available in the market. They come for different age groups and sizes of dogs for you to make your choice without hassle.


  1. Basic Commands: Value the importance to teach them basic commands such as sit, stay and down when young. This will go a long way to help you bond with your dog. You can start early and take one step after the other each day to not pressurize either of you.


  1. A Cozy Spot: Ensure that you create a cozy bed or kennel for your new friend. While they can be playful and active throughout the day, dogs also love to take naps every now and then. A comfortable bed-like spot or a cushiony corner is all that they want.


There are websites today that dedicate themselves to bring for their customers a wide range of dog breeds for purchase. You can easily study the breeds from their website and make a choice as necessary. However, only ensure that the particular breed is suitable for the climate of your area. This will help your new friend to live a healthy, happy and long life with you together.

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