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Getting Rid Of Back Pain With Amica Cream

All opinions and thoughts are 100% my own.

I never understood why I always get asked on a scale of 1 to 10, What is your pain level? IT HURTS! As someone who suffers from pain, I constantly search for options on how relieve my pain. I have tried everything from heating pads to pain medications. I think I just found the product to help or even get rid of my pain. The item I found to help get rid of my pain is Amica Cream.

I believe that if you find am all natural product, That’s an even bigger bonus, There is just so much additives added to products in today world. All natural products actually do work but most do not. Take for example acupuncture such as pills and creams, These so not work on me. I cannot tell you how much money I have spent on these type of products. Not worth the cost.

Then there are magnetic products on the market that I have also wasted a ton of money on. I really thought for sure that these would work. I have psoriatic arthritis and rheumatoid  arthritis and these definitely do not work for me. They come in all forms such as braces, patches and tapes.

There is also hot and cold options. Whether it is a cold{ice pack} or a  heating pad. These work somewhat but not as good as I would think compared to the mica cream. This has been the winner by far. I always believed in heating pads a they have worked in the past but as I age, Most of these are not working anymore.  Ice packs or bags work for some but I am not some.

Pain management strategies
  1. pain medicines.
  2. physical therapies (such as heat or cold packs, massage, hydrotherapy and exercise)
  3. psychological therapies (such as cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation techniques and meditation)
  4. mind and body techniques (such as acupuncture)
  5. community support groups.

In today world, You are considered an addict if you take narcotics. I am sorry for those who lost family and friends due to overdoses but that does not make all of us addicts. Some of us need pain medication or creams such as Salonpas or icy hot.

No matter what you choose for your pan relief, I believe that Amica cream is a cream that can help you. It comes in a cream or gel and is all natural.

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