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7 Great Tips to Organize Kids’ Rooms

7 Great Tips to Organize Kids’ Rooms

One of the biggest headaches that all parents have to go through is getting their kids’ rooms organized. It would seem that no amount of yelling and “clean your room!” commands can ever really get the job done. Fortunately, there are certain things that you can do to help address this concern. Here are 7 great tips to help you organize your children’s toys:

1.       Look at Your Kid’s Room from His or Her Vantage Point 

Our viewpoint is not necessarily the same as how our kids see things. Sometimes it pays to go down to their eye level and look at whether they see their room as being a mess and full of clutter or not. At a level of around 3 feet off the floor, you will be amazed at how different the room actually looks than if you were to see it 5 or 6 feet up. So, before yelling at your kids, try to sit down and look at the room and see what they see. This also means you have to tailor your approach of organizing the room to the level of your child. 

2.       Encourage Your Kid to Help You Organize His or Her Room 

Children don’t necessarily understand what you mean by cleaning and organizing their room. You have to show them how. This is all a part of the learning process. In order for them to value the idea of keeping things organized, you need to encourage them to join you in cleaning and organizing their rooms. This is the only way you can help instill the habit of cleaning and tidying up their room especially after playing. 

3.       Sort and Simplify 

Sometimes you do need to simplify things a bit. Most children’s rooms are small and thus can appear chaotic. You can start by determining which of your kid’s clothes need to go and which ones can still be used. You can enlist the help of your kid in this aspect. Try to sort things out and determine which items need to go and which ones can still be of use.  

4.       Use Colorful Containers 

To help you organize your kid’s room, you will have to be creative in the use of containers to organize his or her things and before you store them away. Let your child help you in decorating his or her containers so that he or she will be more than happy to use them. This helps foster a sense of accomplishment in kids. 

5.       Organize Often-Used Items 

Make sure to put items that your kid often uses in lower areas of the storage cabinet. Store seldom-used items in higher areas. The point is that you would want your kid to still be able to have full access to those things and toys that he or she values the most. Storing them in an area that is readily accessible will help encourage your kid to keep his or her things tidy after use.

6.       Label Items 

It may sound simple enough but a lot of parents forget to label their containers. You can also ask your kid to make the labels himself or herself so that it becomes more personalized. This way, you don’t have to fret about where to put a particular item away. This expands your kid’s vocabulary, too. 

7.       Schedule a Maintenance Routine  

Create a maintenance schedule with your kid. For example, you might agree to clean up his or her room every Saturday morning then follow this up with an ice cream treat or anything that will reward your kid for keeping with his or her routine. The point is to make room cleaning a healthy habit.

Getting your kid’s room organized is best accomplished with the help of your kid. Make sure they learn this by heart so they stay organized in all things they do. For some great toy storage ideas you may want to read 14 Best Toy Storage Boxes.

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