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Stylish Living Without Breaking the Bank

One of the most impressive feats in life is the ability to maintain a wealthy appearance without hiding a dark secret. Is that a sparkling new diamond on your friend’s finger? Little do you know that your friend took out a loan just to buy that ring to keep up her appearances. What about that brand new sports that your neighbour is bragging about? It’s actually second-hand despite his claims, and he bought it with money that should’ve been spent on repairing his ageing home.

But we don’t always have to hide secrets. As mentioned before, one of the most impressive feats a lady can pull off is the ability to live in luxury and style without breaking the bank. Not many of us have the means and funds to live a life of luxuries, but with some smart spending, proper finance management and clever shopping, you can live in style and maintain appearances without hiding financial secrets.

Source: Pexels

Proper Budgeting

No, you don’t have to count every penny and buy things with loose change. No one expects you to be frugal, but you could improve your lifestyle with just a few changes to how you manage your money. For starters, why not consider setting up a way to manage your finances? Cloud account is all the rage and with the help of some finance mobile apps, you’ll have a quick and easy way to check how much money you can spend after all your bills have been paid.

You also need to develop a keen eye for great deals if you want to live a luxurious but budget-conscious lifestyle. For example, when you’re thinking about where to go out with your friends, how about checking out a ticketmaster promo code? You could get huge discounts on all the latest shows, concerts and clubs. Don’t waste your money on full-priced tickets unless you absolutely have to see your favourite singer or actor. After all, there are plenty of luxurious ways to spend your time that doesn’t involve too much money, such as a quiet movie night and a bottle of wine with your friends.

Source: Pexels

You Define Your Fashion

Living in style doesn’t mean you have to spend your hard-earned cash on big brand names and designer outfits. Sure, you might feel a million dollars when you put on attire that has a four-figure price tag, but where’s the fun in buying an outfit that some celebrity wore to her latest red-carpet showing? Don’t follow trends just because it’s the hip thing to do. Not only are you just copying someone else’s style, you’re also wasting money on ridiculous clothing that probably doesn’t even suit your body type and style.
In other words: define your own style. Wear clothes you enjoy and forget what all the haters say. Comfort is one of the most important aspects when it comes to making your own style. If you wear some fancy outfit that all your friends are wearing but you feel as if you can’t even breathe, then it’s not for you. Wear clothes that are comfortable, put on garments that feel and look great in your eyes, and show it off with confidence.

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