I received the below mentioned complimentary product at a discounted rate for the purpose of this review. All opinions and thoughts are 100% my own.
Do you us night lights in your home? The kids are almost grown and are night in need of night lights but we do have pets and yes, I think they need night lights to see at night to navigate the house and for us older peeps to see our way to the bathroom. I had a couple wall socket night lights until now. I was thrilled when the opportunity arose fr me to review the Honey Dog Baby Night Light.
Night Light come in all shapes, sizes and themes. With modern technology on the fore front of making advances for new and improved products, New and improved types of night lights are coming out daily. The Honey Dog Night Light is revolutionary.
About the product
This is the cutest night light ever! And the packaging is adorable. I like to make gift baskets, and this is a nice find to include!!!