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Having been issued an order to shelter in place/Stay at home, I have been able to enjoy my back yard. Sitting under the covered back porch lets me wonder at how the Spring is progressing as it should. Trees are budding, flowers are blooming and yes, the grass needs cut. All in all I love it. Tammie’s take~ is pleased to be offering a $25 Lowes Gift Card in the Welcome To Our Something To Marble At Giveaway Hop.
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We ordered pizza a couple of weeks ago but other than that we eat at home.
We are still making homemade food from usual, but we’ve been trying out the system where you order food from places and pick it up later–which I really like.
I do not do more cooking at home. I don’t order from restaurants. I go to the grocery store once a week as usual. What I can’t find at the grocery store I order online or find a substitute.
I have been cooking more at home.
We’re cooking quite a bit more and as a treat we’ll buy out every couple of weeks.
I have been doing a lot more cooking at home, making burgers, lasagna, pasta and other stuff.
I’m doing more cooking and grilling at home
We order our groceries online and when we arrive at the store they load them in the back for us. We also get Home Chef once a month, and once in a while we get takeout at places that offer curbside/no touch pickup.
I am cooking at home exclusively and experimenting with different Instant Pot recipes.
I cook dinner every night. My husband and I go to the store every Monday at 6am. Most of the time the shelves are not stocked very well.
I’m not ordering food as I don’t know who has been near it. I’m cooking a lot more.
We are only eating at home. I have not been to the grocery store for almost two weeks and I only go at the crack of dawn.
Doing alot more cooking at home. It’s been interesting learning alot of new recipes and now having recipes to try in the future. Has saved alot of money for us as well
Just going to shop less often, waiting for stock ups. I cook most meals.. keeping it simple.
I do not order food. I have been doing all the cooking
Cooking more at home
I have been cooking alot more at home and not ordering from restaurants
I am definitely cooking more and barely do any takeout.
We are cooking more at home – I am a little afraid to get take-out.
I’m having groceries delivered. I have not been in a store in 5 weeks.
Thanks for the contest.
We ordered fruits online and they were not good, so we’re not doing that anymore.
I Have Been Cooking More At Home!
We cook, bake, and get takeout the same as we always have. Our daily lives are pretty much the same.
I did a big stock-up at the beginning of the quarantine and have been making all meals at home.
We very rarely eat out so that hasn’t changed much.
Doing some cooking at home and ordering take-out.
We are def cooking more at home. Thank you
We are doing all the cooking, and forsaking restaurants as much as possible!
We go to the grocery store for groceries but I am the only one going in .
I cook all my meals at home. Grocery shop just every 10 days
I seem to be cooking non-stop with the kids home from school.
I always cooked at home. I do shopping and stock up twice a month. Always wearing a mask and gloves when I go out.
We have been doing less cooking at home and ordering out to help out . We shop about 1 time a month
I have been doing more cooking at home these days.
I have always cooked a lot at home but I am definitely doing so even more right now.
I have always cooked a lot at home but I am definitely doing so even more right now.
Covering up and going the the store.
I’ve not really been ordering out. Mostly covering up at going to the store.
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I am doing more cooking at home and I am losing weight.
We are cooking more and doing click list
We have been shopping with Raley’s ecart. We do not go into stores. Our son and daughter in law drop off groceries as well as our daughter and son in law. Can’t wait until we will be able to hug all of hem and our 2 young grandsons. Be safe everyone!
We’ve been doing all of our own cooking, but some of the restaurants have really good curbside deals which we may take advantage of.
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I am cooking a lot more 🙂
We have eaten at home almost the entire time. My MIL did bring us Chinese take out at the beginning and it wasn’t good at all, which was strange as it was from our favorite place. A week ago we had a pizza delivered. We have really enjoyed cooking at home though. It’s been a nice change.
I have been doing so much cooking and baking now that I am home. At first we were not ordering any takeout but have now started ordering from some local small businesses we trust. We have split our grocery shopping with half online when we are able to get delivery time slots but they are hard to come by!
Grocery shopping is a depressing experience of perusing empty shelves in almost full hazmat attire.
I’ve been doing A LOT more cooking! Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner…I’m over it. Lol!
I go to Whole Foods, Vons or Sprouts, sometimes Trader Joe’s and I always wear a mask and I only eat after washing my hands all the time, which is the obvious thing to do but I’m warier of it now more than ever. I still buy organic, vegan, gluten free nothing has changed much except some things I would normally buy aren’t always in stock anymore, like Acai Sorbet, I can inhale pints of it LOL
I Have Been Cooking More At Home..
I’m doing almost all cooking at home. I have done a drive through once and Chinese Take Out once. I have a list for the market so I can move quickly through the store – always keeping an eye out for something not on my list that appeals. I wear a mask of course – and gloves because I found I NEVER touch my face when I have gloves on. I do not carry or touch my phone when out shopping.
We’ve been doing about half & half. We order from locally owned restaurants, trying to help the community. Only my husband goes to the store and when he does, he wears a mask to protect others and himself.
I have been making more recipes at home but that was a new years resolution. I am still ordering takeout for pickup a few times a week.
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We have been ordering out more than normal, about 2-3 times a week.
We grilled a lot this weekend. I hope you had a good one.
We were running out of food, so we took our kids in the car to pick up Chick Fil A tonight for dinner. They were so excited to get out of the house.
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We cook at home anyway and I pack lunches every morning. We don’t eat out much.
i have been cooking a whole lot at home..and making extras so i can freeze some of it
Were on week 8 and doing lots of cooking and will not order ready made food. Were using Fresh and its been great.
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I live alone and my cooking habits haven’t changed. Neither has my shopping with the exception that now I try to shop only every two or three weeks instead of every week. I haven’t ordered out but then I very seldom did before the social distancing.
We almost always cook at home so that part hasn’t really changed.
We’ve only had take out twice since this all happened. One was a pizza delivery and the other was from G’s pizza…and we got to sandwiches. I braved the grocery store this week while my husband was at work and I was terrified as I’m chronically ill. I only got one cart and it was $365! I’ve never spent that much at once on groceries ever which was way too much.Things seemed a bit more expensive than normal.
We didn’t eat out much before the virus except for take out pizza about once a week using a bogo coupon from Pizza Guys. Our grocery bill has gone up because our college son is now home, adding 3 meals to our daily count and our 2 high schoolers ate breakfast and lunch at school so now that is 4 more meals, for a total of 7 meals a day that we have to create at home. I am used to having a leftover night for dinner but with 3 kids at home eating what leftovers I don’t take to work, that night is gone. I work at a grocery store so am able to do my shopping for what I need each night after work.
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I’ve been cooking at home. We really never ordered out or went out to eat before.
Some things have been really hard to find like butter, eggs and chicken.
We are trying to cook at home, I have a family of 6 and I try to buy enough groceries for 2 weeks, so I don’t have to go back to the store. I have been getting some really nasty looks and comments, that I am biting my tongue.
I have been cooking more at home.
I eat a cold breakfast at home, get food delivery for lunch every day courtesy of my employer and cook on the weekends. I used to go to restaurants on weekends.
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We have been using the grill quite a bit on the weekends.
I am cooking more often at home as I am trying to minimize any outside contact as much as possible.
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I am cooking more at home, although I did order pizza last night.
I haven’t eaten out since the stay-at-home order in my state. I enjoy cooking so I’m been making favorites and trying out new recipes. I shop every 2 weeks with a list first thing in the morning when it is relatively quiet.
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My husband shops for groceries once a week. We order takeout or delivery quite often.
i now visit the grocery store once a week (instead of almost daily!) and try to do grocery pick up.
i am doing SO MUCH MORE cooking these days. i hate it! we are ordering groceries online for now and have not gotten foods from restaurants.
I went to the grocery store yesterday. I still had a hard time finding things due to being out of stock though.
Went on a grocery run yesterday! I still had a hard time finding everything I was looking for though.
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Hope you are doing ok! I usually cooked at home before this Virus, but do so more now out of concern about the handling of food at restaurants. I had never done an online order and pickup at the grocery store,but am doing that now…and I love it!! I have health issues, so I am staying away from public areas and pretty much isolating.
Cooking at Home, tonight is Chicken Tacos
I have been cooking more at home.
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We have been cooking all of our meals at home. I have been tempted to order pizza and we might give it a shot next week. I make one trip to the store every week and wipe everything down when I get home.
We only order in maybe once every two weeks. I cook every other meal. With the kids being home from school now every day, I’ve been having to cook a lot more.
Cooking a lot at home. Shopping feels likes a weird experience dressing up in hazmat gear & trying to avoid all the idiots who don’t wear masks or even maintain social distance.
Watching a lot more tv. We order out more often too.
I Have Been Cooking More At Home!!.
Amost all cooking at home – so tired of cooking every meal, so tonight I had Doritos for dinner
I am cooking a lot more at home now! We have only ordered out pizza once.
We have been cooking slightly more at home because usually we would go out on Saturday nights to dinner and we have not been. We did order pick up twice though as I was so burned out, I didn’t care.
I am cooking a lot more than usual. My husband will bring burgers from the restaurant in town on his way home sometimes.
We’ve been eating out more than cooking
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We are not eating out at all. We are cooking a lot of roasts and crock pot meals.
Going to the market is… challenging. Have to go later today
I already cooked non-stop at home, so that hasn’t been much of a problem… BUT, I have never done grocery store pickup before this! I have placed 4 grocery store pickups since we have been home and it is very different to say the least! I’m really picky with picking my produce and foods… and it seems like the people picking my food out are not! I will be happy to go back to normal soon!
We do a lot of cooking at home but sometimes we get a sub from subway
I am doing my shopping at the grocery store,I’m finding most things but the baking section is empty,can’t find any flour,or sugar.
I am cooking more at home. We do take out on the weekends, usually pizza, BBQ or Italian.
we haven’t ordered from restaurants in weeks
I’m still ordering food as much as I did precovid. I use a mask when I grocery shop 2 times a week. I am not cooking any more than normal.
We do lots of cooking my son has Celiacs and a heart transplant so we just bbq and have fun trying new recipes too. We have our grocery’s delivered .
Since I am not leaving my house, I am doing more cooking but not too much since I wasn’t in the habit of going out to eat very often.
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