Smoking is highly addictive and can be one of the hardest habits to quit. People who are in the process of breaking this habit often struggle with insomnia, depression, irritability, a bad mood, poor concentration, a reduced sense of well-being, and an increased appetite. However, smoking is an extremely unhealthy addiction that can cause multiple health issues to the user and the people around them. It takes time to break a habit, but the results will make the entire process worthwhile. If you are a fan of natural remedies, the following could be used to help you quit smoking for good.
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese therapy. Needles are inserted into the patient’s body to stimulate certain acupunctural points. The aim of this treatment is to mitigate the withdrawal symptoms that are associated with a nicotine addiction, which will make it easier to quit smoking. This treatment may not work for some. Before trying acupuncture, it is important that you understand the pros and cons.
Hypnosis is a controversial method but it can be extremely effective and there are no side effects. The smoker will be put into an altered and relaxed state of awareness. The suggestions given will be made to highlight the disadvantages of smoking and encourage the enjoyment of freedom. This will increase willpower in return. Anyone can try it and the experience is often described as enjoyable and relaxing.
CBD oil is a natural plant extract that can be taken to treat and manage a range of mental and physical health conditions with little to no side effects. It can be used for people who want to stop smoking as it can ease the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. CBD also exists as cannabis vape oil, which could further enhance its effectiveness. Vaping is a healthy alternative to smoking and can help people quit.
St. John’s Wort
St. John’s Wort is an herb that is commonly used to treat depression. Research has been carried out to test its effectiveness against cigarette cravings, but the results vary. When taken alone, this herbal remedy can be completely safe. However, it has been seen to interfere with prescription drugs and over-the-counter medication, so you should speak to your doctor before trying this natural solution.
Mind and body practices can help your body in many ways and can even be used to break a smoking habit. Taking part in mindfulness meditation could reduce your cravings for nicotine and calm your behaviour during smoking withdrawal. Mindful meditation is safe and can be done at home or in a class. Yoga is another effective natural remedy to help people walk away and stay away from cigarettes.
It takes three days for the body to start readjusting. In as little as one month, your lung function will improve. Quitting smoking isn’t easy and everyone will have their own ways to help them cope with breaking the habit. You should talk to your doctor for expert advice on the route you choose to follow.
Dana Rodriguez says
Interesting post. Some of these I have never heard of using for this.