When I was growing up, i used to dance, be on the go 24/7 and work double shifts as a nurse. Now that I am older, my feet are really felling the pain. Even walking is a chore. Dancing is at least. The worse part is that my husband is finding out that he needs orthopedic shoes for men. i never realized just how many different types and kinds of insoles, footwear and braces/splints that are sold by companies.
it’s really depressing to go to a wedding and just sit there. My niece was just married over the winter. eric and i went. the dj played a great selection of dance music. some of my favorite songs from my hay days. No dancing for this girl cause my feet hurt and that is the same thing that eric said. i did order him special orthopedic shoes for men. for the first time in our 25 years of being married, eric said in a shocked voice that his feet didn’t hurt. he now walks pain free, dances and even plays with the kids in our neighborhood.
most people say i am a giver. if i have it and you need it, it’s yours. i am always the last person to get something for herself. if these orthopedic shoes worked so for eric, they may actually help me. i never thought about insoles for women. you will be shocked at just how many different insoles, footwear and socks there are that can help someone with feet issues.
the orthopedic shoes foe men if just what eric needed. why do we take out feet for granted? it is a crucial part of ur many different insoles. if something this simple could ease your pain, wouldn’t you do it. i know i would. say you have heel pain, they even have heel insoles. a small insole for your heel. believe me when i say that i stocked up on these. Whether your a female or male, you owe it to your feet to make them feel the best you can. how do you make your feet feel great?
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