Sometimes, walkies won’t be enough to get your dog from A to B. You might need to cross town with your dog and walking would be just too far, for instance. Or maybe you are leaving town for the weekend to go and visit some friends and family, and want to take your best friend with you. Worried that this means you will need to pay for expensive dog kennels to look after your pup? Thankfully, that isn’t always the case, as you should be able to let your dog travel with you. Here are some tips that can help you with that!
Build Up To Long Drives
If your dog has never been on a drive before, they may be likely to suffer from travel sickness. Dogs are just like humans in this respect, and the unusual movements and sensations that they feel while being driven around could make them feel quite ill! But that doesn’t mean that you will need to clean up dog vomit from your vehicle after every drive – most dogs will get used to being in cars and going for drives over time. So, if you know you have a long car journey coming up and need to take your dog with you, you should first take them out on some short drives. This gives them the chance to build up their stamina so that they are ready for the long drive.
Buckle Up
Your dog’s safety should be your number-one concern when they hit the road with you. Therefore, you need to make sure that they are always secure when in the backseat. You can now buy special dog harnesses that allows you to buckle them in to the car properly. When it is fastened, just make sure it isn’t on too tight or else it could hurt and irritate your pup.
Wear Your Pooch
Wish you could take your dog out with you on your bike rides? Well, now you can thanks to and their nifty little dog carrier backpack. These are just like the backpacks what parents use to wear their babies in. The only difference with these is that they have been created specifically for dogs. So, if your dog is small enough, you just need to pop them in and then strap them to your back!
Get Them Microchipped
There are many different reasons why it is super important to get your dog microchipped, and you can read more about them at But one of the main reasons is that it will be easier to find your dog if they ever go missing. Dogs can get stressed out easily while traveling, and this could cause them to run off. To make sure you don’t lose your pup for too long while out on the road, get them microchipped to ensure their safe return to you.
As you can see, traveling with your dog doesn’t have to always be so tricky. In fact, you and your pooch might enjoy spending all that extra time together!
I’ve been interested in a harness for my 7 year old for safety in the car although after him wondering around in the car for so long, I don’t think he’ll be too happy about the lack of movement. Does any dog harness work?
Good tips, some people travel with cats too, these apply mostly.