We all know that what we eat impacts our waistlines. If your diet consists of fatty and processed foods, it doesn’t take a genius to work out that you’re going to gain weight. Sadly, that isn’t incentive enough for us all to change our habits. This is especially the case for those who have tried and failed to lose weight in the past. If your waist isn’t going to get smaller anyway, why not eat what you want?
But, what we eat doesn’t only impact our waistlines. We focus on this because it’s the most visible thing, but weight gain is the tip of the eating iceberg. What you put on your plate also impacts your health in all manner of ways. Sometimes, these are things you might not know about, such as clogged arteries. Sometimes, though, eating the wrong foods can impact your physicality too. Did you know, for example, that what you eat could well be contributing to your back pain?
Yes, you did read that right. If your waist isn’t incentive to eat well, this should be. Obviously, you should visit a chiropractor like Action Spine & Joint if your back pain is extreme. But, you may find that altering your diet in the following ways also helps you get back on track.
Focus on food without inflammation
Often, back pain is a result of inflammatory foods in your diet. Inflammation can, in fact, impact everything which goes on in your body. Hence why you should focus on foods which you know are inflammation free. A plant based diet is usually fantastic for this. Things like flax and chia seeds can also work wonders here. Luckily, you can now find these in most food stores. As a general rule, aim for a diet rich in colored fruits and vegetables paired with omega-3 rich fish dishes.
Know what to avoid
So, that’s what you should eat, but what foods are making your back bad in the first place? This isn’t much difference to if you were changing your diet for weight loss purposes. You should aim to avoid fatty and processed foods for the most part. Bread and pasta can also cause issues here. If you’re unsure about something you eat, cut it out for a week or two and see how your back feels. If the pain subsides, that’s a food you could do without.
Get on top of your nutrients
Sometimes, diet causes back pain because it isn’t providing the nutrients we need. Calcium and vitamin D, for example, are crucial for healthy joints and bones. If you aren’t getting these in your diet, it’s no wonder your back doesn’t feel great. In extreme cases, you may want to seek supplements for these things as a quick fix. In the meantime, make sure to balance your diet to get everything you need. With a little luck, this should sort your back out in no time. You might well lose a little weight along the way, too.
I have RA and try to avoid foods that cause inflammation. I can really tell the difference.
Empowering your life nutritionally is important. Having the knowledge and applying it to prevent any health issues and inflammation is crucial for a better life
While I’m not on a plant-centric diet, I do like to include anti-inflammatory foods like chia, ginger and turmeric.