When we think of education we generally think of institutes such as schools, or accumulating wisdom from travelling the world and experiencing different cultures. While these are great ways to learn, it’s important to remember that you don’t necessarily have to participate in them in the ways you might initially imagine. In fact, this is a rather detrimental myth, as it makes people believe that education is beyond their personal means. It’s important to remember that we can actually educate ourselves from the comfort of our own homes too! Here’s how!
Taking Online Degree Courses
If you’re looking for a more traditional acquisition of knowledge that comes with an official qualification at the end, you may want to consider online degree courses. Now, when we usually speak of traditional higher education, we think of on-campus lectures and seminars. But nowadays, institutes are being a whole lot more flexible with their modes of study. They can now offer lectures online with opportunities to engage with tutors entirely online. So, rather than worrying about having to dedicate set times to studying or moving closer to a college campus, you can do everything from the comfort of your own home (or wherever else you may be). Take a look at all of the options that are available out there for you. Subjects range from sciences to the humanities, politics, the arts, or even a masters of engineering management.
Learning a Second Language
Now, it’s generally acknowledged that the easiest and fastest way to pick up a second language is to move to a country where it is the first language and completely immerse yourself in it. If you’re surrounded by conversation and day to day usage of the vocabulary and grammar, you’re bound to pick it up at a much faster pace. After all, you have no other option than to learn in order to communicate yourself. However, this isn’t an option for everyone. Many of us have homes and other responsibilities such as family, pets, and friends that need tending to. But the good news is that you can actually pick up a second language without so much as stepping foot outside of your personal property. Perhaps the most well known option is to purchase Rosetta Stone. This is a clever piece of computer software introduces new language and concepts in a sequence that allows you to pick up your language of choice without relying on mimicking and parroting. There are currently 24 languages available, including some of the most commonly spoken languages in the world such as Mandarin, Spanish, French, and Italian, so there’s bound to be something to suit you!
Playing Educational Games
If you’re looking to increase your wits but in a more relaxed and informal manner, why not try out educational games. These are pretty easily accessible. Most newspapers now have a sudoku puzzle within them and there are all sorts of crosswords and wordsearches in various magazines. Alternatively, if you have gaming devices, you could consider brain training software too!
These are just a few options that are open to you if you are interested in educating yourself from home!
These are good ideas! I do online courses for software, our library pays for a service for all kinds of online programs, which is great. Ideally, I’d love to live in Paris for couple of years to learn French – dream!