Fashion is a beautiful part of everyday life. The various colors, patterns and style of clothes are constantly innovated, with more being released every day and new trends appearing every few months as well. The ubiquity of fashion is one reason not to shy away from it, but there are many more reasons, as well. It is your individual sense of style that makes a good first impression on people, and it’s directly tied to your personality.
When you finally decide to dress in a unique way, wear your favorite colors and patterns, you are also embracing who you are as a person and uplifting your mood in the process. One of the most beneficial aspects with fashion is the creative freedom that it gives you and the fact that you can have hours on end of fun with it. Just keep an eye out for inspiration and choose clothing options that are aligned with your budget plan, among other tips mentioned below.
First impression
The first impression that you leave on people is based on your appearance. While this does not mean that you should dress for other people’s sake, you should be mindful of finding a balance between professionalism, when it is necessary, and individuality. An impression once made is often hard to change or get rid of, so you might as well ensure that it is a good one to start.
Embracing your personality
Embracing who you really are will benefit your life in a number of ways and most importantly it will allow you to radiate a positive energy you never had before. Fashion is a creative outlet for many and mixing and matching different colors and patterns is always a result of personal preference, and thereby allows you to showcase your uniqueness.
Lifts your mood
Working in tangent with your personality, clothes also affect your mood. This is, in particular, is due to the colors that you choose to wear. Think back to the last time you wore warm colors and how it affected you throughout the day. It could be anything from a scarf, a hat, a shirt, dress, and so on. Not to mention, purchasing new clothes that fit you like a glove is always a good feeling.
Look for inspiration
When you are in doubt and have no idea what to wear, you can look for some inspiration online and through magazines. Social media has become a popular platform for many to post their fashion photos and has become a common source of creativity for many. Take a look at what your style muse has been wearing lately and get some ideas for what types of outfits you will put together moving forward.
Having fun with it
The point of personal style is to have fun with it and do what you want to do. You can read about the latest trends, find your inspiration from others, but at the end of the day, the best part and the most fun aspect is to experiment. Why not go vintage shopping and wear your old-style pants with a modern top? It is the mixing and matching that makes your clothing choices most unique and unlike anyone else’s.
Not expensive
Embracing fashion and clothes does not mean that you should spend your saved money on a shopping spree. Doing this will simply cause you to be stressed out at a later date, which is never worth it. Instead, you can look for coupons and promotions when you go shopping, so that you can both purchase the garments you want and save money while doing it. There are tons of online websites that offer these types of deals, with one example being a useful page for Topshop discounts. So long as you can continue to pay your monthly bills and are still saving money for future investments, there is no harm in treating yourself to a few clothing items every once in a while.
It’s important not to forget that at the end of the day, fashion is both aesthetically pleasing and practical. Without a fall jacket or sweaters during autumn, everyone would be too cold to go about their day-to-day. However, when you can purchase something that both does the job and is nice to stare at and wear, it’s always a win-win situation. It’s also important to invest in a few essential pieces that you can wear no matter what season it is, given that you can layer. These include a white and black t-shirt, black running shoes, a neutral cardigan, black pants, among other neutral items. The pops of color are where you make it more unique to your personality.
It’s everywhere
Fashion is everywhere, even if you do not often go shopping in-stores. With the widespread availability of technology, many people, in fact, nowadays choose to make their purchases online and have it delivered right at their doorstep. At the end of the day, there should be no rush to accumulate your perfect wardrobe, but you should do it throughout a few years.
It has been made evident in current society that fashion trends tend to repeat themselves, given the past few years, but no one can say for sure what it will look like a hundred or even two hundred years from now. The takeaway should be that you should have fun with your clothes and personal style! Have the confidence to be different and embrace it, as there is no one like you and that’s what makes you special to begin with. There’s a time and place for wearing any type of outfit, and it’s important to remain mindful of this, as certain occasions require more professional or serious attire, compared to others. However, that does not mean that you can’t experiment and have fun even with those outfits. It simply means that you should not wear a rainbow jumpsuit to your job interview, although you can do that on the weekend or after-hours. Fashion and style always leave a strong statement, and this is always important to remember.
I try to find the really trendy items at less expensive stores since they may not be in style for long. The funny thing is that fashion is cyclical. Save some items and it will be back in style 10 years later.